Honoring the Life, Lineage and Legacy of
Bishop Fred A. Caldwell, Sr.
Celebration of Life and Tribute Video Links for Bishop Fred A. Caldwell, Sr.
Bio of Bishop Fred A. Caldwell Sr. Ph. D.
Bishop Fred A. Caldwell, Sr. was born in Shreveport, LA to Mr. Dawkins Caldwell and Mrs. Olive Faye Caldwell, on March 20, 1946 at the old Charity hospital. He was one of five children.
His early years were spent in the Stoner Hill Community of Southeast Shreveport. The remainder of his childhood was spent in the El Camino Way Public Housing Project (Jackson Heights Public Housing) located in the Allendale Community of Shreveport.
He married the love of his life, the former Mary Kornegay and to this blessed union, two wonderful children were born: Timi D. Caldwell-Dixon and Fred A. Caldwell, II. Bishop and Sis. Mary K. have three beautiful grandsons: Allen Jacobe Caldwell, Aaron Joseph Caldwell, and Chase Mikal Dixon.
Bishop Caldwell was a 1964 graduate of Booker T. Washington High School in Shreveport, LA where he served as a class officer. After graduation, he joined the 82nd Airborne Division of the United States Army; he advanced rapidly up the ranks and reached E-5 Buck Sergeant in record time. Bishop Caldwell received a combat infantry badge for his exemplary service in the Latin American Theatre of the Dominican Republic and received an Honorable Discharge from the Army in 1967.
In 1972, Bishop Caldwell made a decision to go to his home and commit suicide, instead, he met the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus saved him, cleaned him up and called him into the gospel ministry on April 24, 1977. He preached his first sermon at Avenue Baptist Church, under the pastorage of Pastor Lawrence Daniel Scott on June 12, 1977. Bishop Caldwell and his family were called to come and help Greenwood Acres’ Pastor Milton McElroy Flynn in the summer of 1981. At that time, Greenwood Acres had approximately thirteen active